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Our Terms and Conditions

Advertisers and Employers


Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using our site.

By accessing and using our site you have acknowledged and accepted to be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement. and The Job Agency Limited may choose to update these terms and conditions at any time. Such updates will be immediately posted and shall be effective and binding on all users from the time of posting to the site.

Both Employers and Advertisers accept that is providing only the electronic medium for them to create job advertisements and search CV’s. The Job Agency is neither an employment agent and/or consultant nor is it the agent of the employer or advertiser.

The owner/publisher of is The Job Agency Ltd who reserves the right to refuse any advertising or to cancel any existing advertisement.

We reserve the right to permanently remove users and prevent access for violations of our Terms and Conditions.

Use of Site authorises you to view/download/print a single copy of the chosen site content for your own personal use only.

You may not copy, reproduce, transmit or distribute in any way content, software or code.

This site must not be used for illegal, misleading (section 12 of the Fair Trading Act 1986), deceptive, or prohibited purposes. By using this site you also agree not to; post material that is copyright unless you are the legal owner or have the express permission of the owner; post material that is sexually-explicit, either image or statement; post material that contains computer virus’ or programs intended to damage, destroy or interfere with the system, data, or information contained in or any other computer user who access the site.

Your ads may be placed in as many locations/industries as are considered relevant to that position/course. Myjobspace reserves the right to have the final say on what is relevant.

Accessing the CV database for any activity other than for the purpose of seeking employees with specific talents/qualifications is strictly prohibited.  Advertising pyramid schemes, multi-level marketing and/or other business opportunities either via a posted job advertisement or through the CV database is likewise prohibited.

Legal compliance

Advertisers and employers must acknowledge and accept that they are bound to comply with the following New Zealand statutes:

Privacy Act 1993 (NZ), Bill of Rights 1990 (NZ), Human Rights Act 1993 (NZ)

Together with all equal opportunity and anti-discrimination laws applicable in the country in which their business operates.

Job vacancy advertisements posted by advertisers and employers on site must at all times comply with applicable professional codes of conduct and legislation included in but not limited to the Commerce Act 1986 (NZ) and the Fair Trading Act 1986 (NZ).

Information management and security

We,, operated by The Job Agency Limited, agree not to disclose or make your information available to third parties. All information and registration data held by us is totally confidential. We reserve the right to offer third party services and products to you.

You the user acknowledge and accept that you are responsible for the security of your own password and login details for access to this site.

We,, will continually attempt to ensure the privacy and security of your information. Our registration and payment transmissions are transmitted by a secure encrypted system for your safety. However, there may be a possibility that the information could be illegally viewed during transmission over the Internet. We disclaim all liability in the extraordinary event of this occurring and assure users that such violations will be actively pursued with the assistance and co-operation of the relevant enforcement authorities.


As acts only as a facilitator bringing together employers and job hunters we have no control over the quality of material posted. We have no involvement in the truth, accuracy or otherwise of the materials and advertisements posted. We therefore accept no liability for any risks that users may encounter through the use of our website

You, the user, accept all risks and furthermore accept that you are solely responsible for the content, form and accuracy of any details, material and job advertisements you post on this site.

The services of are provided without any warranties express or implied. We make no warranty relating to accuracy, reliability, access or content. All reasonable attempts will be made to ensure that any disruptions to service, access denial or similar availability problems for users will be attended to and remedied as soon as practicably possible.

You will acknowledge and accept that we do not guarantee that files available for download from a third party via and/or through our site will be virus free. You accept that it is your responsibility to ensure that you are equipped with electronic security systems for your own protection.

Statutory guarantees provided for under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 shall not apply as any job advertisement posted is for the purposes of the advertisers business.

Any changes in company control or ownership as relates to advertisers and employers bound by the terms and conditions of this site agreement will require written approval from The Job Agency Limited assigning said rights and obligations to the new entity.

Payment Terms

Advertisers and employers must at all times be paid financial members of and The Job Agency Limited to have authorised ongoing access to all services. A one-off payment for a set period of months must be paid in advance to ensure continuity of service. Appropriate and timely reminders will be communicated to all advertisers and employers as their renewal date approaches. Failure to make payment by the due date may result in a temporary suspension of service. Non-payment after 30 days may result in termination of the service. Failure to make full payment within 30 days will void the moneyback guarantee offer unless other terms relating to payment have been approved by us in writing and have been met.

Cancellation of Annual memberships after the first month is generally not granted. However should there be circumstances that lead to us allowing the membership to be cancelled then this will only occur providing a cancellation fee of (a) x (b) is made,where (a) is the number of months(or part months) the membership has been active for and (b) is our standard 1 months membership fee.

Copyright and trademarks

The Job Agency Limited wholly owns copyright of the material and trademarks that directly relate to on this site.

For the purposes of this agreement: ‘site’, ‘us’, ‘we’, refer to and The Job Agency Limited.

Job Hunters


Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using our site.

By accessing and using our site you have acknowledged and accepted to be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement. may choose to update these terms and conditions at any time. Such updates will be immediately posted and shall be effective and binding on all users from the time of posting to the site. Email notification will be sent to all users.

Both Employers and Job hunters accept that is providing only the electronic medium for employers to create job advertisements and job seekers to search and apply for jobs posted. is not an employment agent and/or consultant nor is it the agent of the employer or the job hunter.

Use of Site authorises you to view/download/print a single copy of the chosen site content for your own personal use only.

You may not copy, reproduce, transmit or distribute in any way content, software or code.

This site must not be used for illegal, misleading, deceptive, or prohibited purposes. By using this site you also agree not to; post material that is copyright unless you are the legal owner or have the express permission of the owner; post material that is sexually-explicit, either image or statement; post material that contains computer virus’ or programs intended to damage, destroy or interfere with the system, data, or information contained in or any other computer user who access the site.

Information management and security

You the user acknowledge and accept that you are responsible for the security of your own password and login details for access to this site.

We,, will continually attempt to ensure the privacy and security of your information. However, there may be a possibility that the information could be illegally viewed during transmission over the Internet. We disclaim all liability in the extraordinary event of this occurring and assure users that such violations will be actively pursued with the assistance and co-operation of the relevant enforcement authorities.


As acts only as a facilitator bringing together employers and job hunters we have no control over the quality of material posted. We have no involvement in the truth, accuracy or otherwise of the materials, advertisements and CV’s posted. We therefore accept no liability for any risks that users may encounter through the use of our website

You, the user, accept all risks and furthermore accept that you are solely responsible for the content, form and accuracy of any details, material and CV you post on this site.

The services of are provided without any warranties express or implied. We make no warranty relating to accuracy, reliability, access or content. You will acknowledge and accept that we do not guarantee that files available for download from a third party via and/or through our site will be virus free. You accept that it is your responsibility to ensure that you are equipped with electronic security systems for your own protection.

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