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Fanuary is on the way

Fanuary is once again on the horizon raising awareness of gynecological cancers and women's health. Fanuary 2008 saw money raised and donated to the Women for Women Charitable Trust.

So this Fanuary 2009 it's time for you to stand up and be proud to be a woman and support those alongside you dealing with the traumas associated with gynecological cancers.

There are six different gynecological cancers, the most well know is cervical cancer as well as ovarian cancer, cancer of the fallopian tubes, cancer of the vulva, cancer of the vagina and cancer of the Uterus. If detected early these cancers can be treated however if they go undetected they can be fatal.

Fanuary, along the same lines as Movember, which successfully raises funds and awareness for Prostate Cancer among men, is all about bodily hair, starting from scratch on the 1st of January 2008 and having a work of art by the 31st.

Rebecca Harris organizer of Fanuary 2008 says it was fantastic working on Fanuary 2008 and hopes to continue raising awareness of these cancers in 2009. "We saw an opportunity to support a worthy cause; we put our resources and contacts to good use to promote the awareness of gynecological cancers."

Unfortunately due to other commitments Fanuary 2009 cannot happen as it did in 2008, so the team behind Fanuary is opening it up to New Zealand to see what Kiwis can do with it.

"We didn't think up Fanuary, we simply used our network as a platform to help collect as much money as possibly for this great cause. We enjoyed our involvement in 2008 and hope Fanuary will continue," Rebecca says.

The men get their fun in Movember now it's our turn! Ladies, get together with your girlfriends and get creative. But here at Fanuary we don't mind if the boys want to get behind this worthy cause and do a bit of "manscaping"!

Here are some suggestions for your creations:

The Landing Strip (used for the benefit of male first-timers to, "find things in the dark").

The Bermuda Triangle (Where many a good keen adventure has been lost without a trace. "Where the hell is Indiana Jones when you need him...?")

The 3 Hombres (like catching up with your 3 best mates. Brings a smile to any keen mans lips) - Trimmed 3 fingers wide. NO MORE, NO LESS.

The Tache ("Your boyfriend/husband took great pleasure in your discomfort during Movember... Time for payback!! Lets him get pash-rash")

The Artistic Freestyler (for all you arty types) - in recognition of artistic talent.

The Indonesian Rainforest Sloth - (shudder...) - An endangered species.. Wildly un-kept and out of control. May attract loggers and hardwood furniture makers. May also make small children cry when seen in a bikini. Gutsy (up to the belly button).


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